Archives by date

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Kai to attend IPBES conceptual framework workshop in Cape Town, Aug 25-26

Kai will be one of 25 experts across the world to attend the conceptual framework workshop of the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) in Cape Town, South Africa, August 25-26 2013.

CHANS Lab secures Puget Sound Institute grant with Ecotrust

Kai Chan, Sarah Klain, and Mollie Chapman will be partnering with Ecotrust on a Puget Sound Institute grant to study cultural ecosystem services.

New Publication in PLOS ONE

Sea Otters in rocky intertidal ecosystems are the topic of the article by Gerald, Becca, Kai and other collaborators that came out this week. pdf

Paige spoke at Grabbing Green conference in Toronto

Paige Olmsted was among a diverse group of scholars and practitioners at U of T who participated in two days of panels and discussion focusing on the role of the “Green Economy” in achieving sustainability.