
Easter, Santo et al., Values and perspectives on grizzly bear reintroduction

Easter, T.S., A.R. Santo, A.H. Sage, N.H. Carter, K.M.A. Chan and J.I. Ransom “Divergent values and perspectives drive three distinct viewpoints on grizzly bear reintroduction in Washington, the United States.” People and Nature n/a(n/a). Doi: 10.1002/pan3.10748

Eyster et al., Urban birds through space and time

Eyster, H.N., K.M.A. Chan, M.E. Fletcher and B. Beckage (2024). “Space-for-time substitutions exaggerate urban bird–habitat ecological relationships.” Journal of Animal Ecology 93(12): 1854–1867. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.14194

Supporting Canada’s implementation of the K-M Global Biodiversity Framework

Wilson, S., P. Smith, E. Kenchington, M. Ballard, R. Buxton, K. Bobiwash, S. J. Marshall, E. Gilmore, É. Abergel, J. Allison, D. Arbuthnott, S. Avery-Gomm, N.C. Ban, K.F. Beazley, J.R. Bennett, E. Bennett, A.D. Binley, L.K. Blight, L. E. Bortolotti, D. Browne, E.K. Cameron, K.M.A. Chan, C. Chisholm, C. Chu, S.J. Cooke, F. Di Palma, D. Duplisea, C. Edge, B. Frei, L.W. Gomes, C. Hart, S. Hayne, M. Houde, A.L. Jacob, S. Javorek, H. Kharouba, D.R. Lapen, T.G. Martin, M. Mitchell, I. Naujokaitis-Lewis, E.A. Nyboer, M. O’Connor, A. Olive, S. Otto, B. Pickering, R. Pither, G. Pritchard, C. Raudsepp-Hearne, J. Rice, D.G. Roche, E. Rubidge, M. Ryckman, J.M. Saarela, K.D. Sadler, C. Shulman, I. Siboo, K.A. Solarik, F. Soulard, C. Sponarski, D. Stralberg, E. Ubalijoro, A. Ventimiglia, and C.D. Ziter. 2024. Science and knowledge needs to support Canada’s implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Report prepared for Environment and Climate Change Canada, 62 pp. Available at:

Naito et al., Audience segmentation for conservation

Naito, R., K.M.A. Chan, R. López de la Lama and J. Zhao (2024). “Audience segmentation approach to conservation messaging for transforming the exotic pet trade.” Conservation Biology 38(4): e14267. Doi: 10.1111/cobi.14267

Mitchell et al., Drivers of biodiversity-ecosystem service relationships across spatial scales

Mitchell, M.G.E., J. Qiu, B.J. Cardinale, K.M.A. Chan, F. Eigenbrod, M.R. Felipe-Lucia, A.L. Jacob, M.S. Jones and L.J. Sonter (2024). “Key questions for understanding drivers of biodiversity-ecosystem service relationships across spatial scales.” Landscape Ecology 39(2): 36. Doi: 10.1007/s10980-024-01842-y

López de la Lama et al., Not in it for the money

López de la Lama, R., N. Bennett, J. Bulkan, S. de la Puente and K.M.A. Chan (2024). “Not in it for the money: Meaningful relationships sustain voluntary land conservation initiatives in Peru.” People and Nature 6(2): 818-832. Doi: 10.1002/pan3.10600

Naito et al., Conservation messaging

Naito, R., K.M.A. Chan and J. Zhao (2024). “Combating the exotic pet trade: Effects of conservation messaging on attitudes, demands, and civic intentions.” Conservation Science and Practice 6(2): e13078. Doi: 10.1111/csp2.13078

Benessaiah & Chan, Why reconnect to nature in times of crisis?

Benessaiah, K. and K.M. Chan (2023). “Why reconnect to nature in times of crisis? Ecosystem contributions to the resilience and well-being of people going back to the land in Greece.” People and Nature 5(6): 2026-2047. Doi: 10.1002/pan3.10546

Sánchez et al., Climate change and rainbow trout habitat

Sánchez, C., E.J. Gregr, E.A. Parkinson and K.M.A. Chan (2023). “The benefits of climate change mitigation to retaining rainbow trout habitat in British Columbia, Canada.” Regional Environmental Change 23(3): 108. 10.1007/s10113-023-02097-0

Stock et al., Problems with machine learning in ecology

Stock, A., E.J. Gregr and K.M.A. Chan (2023). “Data leakage jeopardizes ecological applications of machine learning.” Nature Ecology & Evolution 7(11): 1743–1745. Doi: 10.1038/s41559-023-02162-1

López de la Lama et al., Private land conservation in South America

López de la Lama, R., N. Bennett, J. Bulkan, D. Boyd and K.M.A. Chan (2023). “A legal assessment of private land conservation in South America.” Conservation Biology 37(4): e14068. Doi: 10.1111/cobi.14068

Loos et al, Environmental justice and ecosystem services

Loos, J., F. Benra, M. Berbés-Blázquez, L.L. Bremer, K.M.A. Chan et al. (2023). “An environmental justice perspective on ecosystem services.” Ambio 52(3): 477-488. 10.1007/s13280-022-01812-1

Eyster et al., Relational thinking

Eyster, H.N., T. Satterfield and K.M.A. Chan (2023). “Empirical examples demonstrate how relational thinking might enrich science and practice.” People and Nature 5(2): 455–469. Doi: 10.1002/pan3.10453

Stock et al., Exploring multiple stressor effects

Stock, A., C.C. Murray, E.J. Gregr, J. Steenbeek, E. Woodburn, F. Micheli, V. Christensen and K.M.A. Chan (2023). “Exploring multiple stressor effects with Ecopath, Ecosim, and Ecospace: Research designs, modeling techniques, and future directions.” Science of The Total Environment 869: 161719. Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.161719

Driscoll & Chan, Assessing fisheries nutrient yields

Driscoll, J. and K.M.A. Chan (2023). “Assessing fisheries nutrient yields: The Northwest Atlantic, 1950–2014.” Ambio 52: 271–284. Doi: 10.1007/s13280-022-01795-z

Eyster et al., Perennial polycultures boost bird diversity in the US Midwest

Eyster, H.N., D.S. Srivastava, M. Kreitzman and K.M.A. Chan (2022). “Functional traits and metacommunity theory reveal that habitat filtering and competition maintain bird diversity in a human shared landscape.” Ecography 2022(11): e06240. Doi: 10.1111/ecog.06240

Eyster et al., Not just the Big Five: African tourists and bird diversity

Eyster, H.N., R. Naidoo and K.M.A. Chan (2023). “Not just the Big Five: African ecotourists prefer parks brimming with bird diversity.” Animal Conservation 26(4): 428-442. Doi: 10.1111/acv.12816

Driscoll et al., Net negative nutrient yields in a bait-consuming fishery

Driscoll, J. and K.M.A. Chan (2022). “Net negative nutrient yields in a bait-consuming fishery.” Environmental Research Letters 17(8): 084024. Doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac82c0

Eyster et al., Human action theories

Eyster, H.N., T. Satterfield and K.M.A. Chan (2022). “Why people do what they do: An interdisciplinary synthesis of human action theories.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 47(1): 725–751. Doi: 10.1146/annurev-environ-020422-125351

Campos et al., Steller’s sea cow uncertain history

Campos, A.A., C.D. Bullen, E.J. Gregr, I. McKechnie and K.M.A. Chan (2022). “Steller’s sea cow uncertain history illustrates importance of ecological context when interpreting demographic histories from genomes.” Nature Communications 13(1): 3674. Doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-31381-6

Fish et al., People and nature: The emerging signature of a relational journal

Fish, R., K.M.A. Chan, C. Maller, R.S. Hails, E. Aimé and K.J. Gaston (2022). “People and nature: The emerging signature of a relational journal.” People and Nature 4(3): 592-595. Doi: 10.1002/pan3.10339

Lliso et al, Nature’s disvalues

Lliso, B., D. Lenzi, B. Muraca, K.M.A. Chan and U. Pascual (2022). “Nature’s disvalues: what are they and why do they matter?” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 56: 101173. Doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2022.101173 (Free access:

Naito et al., An integrative framework for transformative social change

Naito, R., J. Zhao and K.M.A. Chan (2022). “An integrative framework for transformative social change: a case in global wildlife trade.” Sustainability Science 17: 171–189. Doi: 10.1007/s11625-021-01081-z

Eyster et al., Motivating conservation using genetic uniqueness and relational values

Eyster, H.N., P. Olmsted, R. Naidoo and K.M.A. Chan (2022). “Motivating conservation even for widespread species using genetic uniqueness and relational values.” Biological Conservation 266: 109438. Doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109438

Kreitzman et al., Woody perennial polycultures in the U.S. Midwest

Kreitzman, M., H. Eyster, M. Mitchell, A. Czajewska, K. Keeley, S. Smukler, N. Sullivan, A. Verster and K.M.A. Chan (2022). “Woody perennial polycultures in the U.S. Midwest enhance biodiversity and ecosystem functions.” Ecosphere 13(1): e03890. 10.1002/ecs2.3890

Kreitzman et al., Woody perennial polyculture farmers

Kreitzman, M., M. Chapman, K.O. Keeley and K.M.A. Chan (2022). “Local knowledge and relational values of Midwestern woody perennial polyculture farmers can inform tree-crop policies.” People and Nature 4(1): 180-200. Doi: 10.1002/pan3.10275

Bullen et al., Ghost of a giant

Bullen, C.D., A.A. Campos, E.J. Gregr, I. McKechnie and K.M.A. Chan (2021). “The ghost of a giant – Six hypotheses for how an extinct megaherbivore structured kelp forests across the North Pacific Rim.” Global Ecology and Biogeography 30(10): 2101-2118. Doi: 10.1111/geb.13370

McDowell et al, Lived experiences of ‘peak water’

McDowell, G., M. Koppes, L. Harris, K.M.A. Chan, M.F. Price, D.G. Lama and G. Jiménez (2021). “Lived experiences of ‘peak water’ in the high mountains of Nepal and Peru.” Climate and Development 14(3): 268-281. Doi: 10.1080/17565529.2021.1913085

Buxton et al., Key info needs for biodiversity in Canada

Buxton, R.T., J.R. Bennett, A.J. Reid, … (43 additional authors including K.M.A. Chan) (2021). “Key information needs to move from knowledge to action for biodiversity conservation in Canada.” Biological Conservation 256: 108983. Doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.108983

Ono et al., Nature nurtures newcomers

Ono, A.J., D.R. Boyd and K.M.A. Chan (2023). “Acculturation as an ecosystem service? Urban natural space supports evolving relational values and identity in new female migrants.” People and Nature 5(2): 313-325. Doi: 10.1002/pan3.10188

Tam et al., Measuring behavioral social learning

Tam, J., T. Waring, S. Gelcich, K.M.A. Chan and T. Satterfield (2021). “Measuring behavioral social learning in a conservation context: Chilean fishing communities.” Conservation Science and Practice 3(1): e336. Doi: 10.1111/csp2.336

Mitchell et al., Identifying key ecosystem service providing areas to inform national-scale conservation planning

Mitchell, M.G.E., R. Schuster, A.L. Jacob, D.E.L. Hanna, C.O. Dallaire, C. Raudsepp-Hearne, E.M. Bennett, B. Lehner and K.M.A. Chan (2021). “Identifying key ecosystem service providing areas to inform national-scale conservation planning.” Environmental Research Letters 16(1): 014038. Doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abc121

Mitchell et al., multifunctional agricultural landscapes

Mitchell, M.G.E., K.M.A. Chan, N.K. Newlands and N. Ramankutty (2020). “Spatial correlations don’t predict changes in agricultural ecosystem services: A Canada-wide case study.” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4(235). Doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2020.539892

Kreitzman et al, perennial staple crops in the global food system

Kreitzman, M., E. Toensmeier, K.M.A. Chan, S. Smukler and N. Ramankutty (2020). “Perennial staple crops: Yields, distribution, and nutrition in the global food system.” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4(216). Doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2020.588988

McDowell et al., Prospects for planned adaptations in high mountain communities

McDowell, G., L. Harris, M. Koppes, M.F. Price, K.M.A. Chan and D.G. Lama (2020). “From needs to actions: prospects for planned adaptations in high mountain communities.” Climatic Change 163: 953–972. Doi: 10.1007/s10584-020-02920-1

López de la Lama et al., Fisheries-derived cultural ecosystem services in pre-Hispanic Peru

López de la Lama, R., S. de la Puente, J.C. Sueiro and K.M.A. Chan (2021). “Reconnecting with the past and anticipating the future: A review of fisheries-derived cultural ecosystem services in pre-Hispanic Peru.” People and Nature 3(1): 129-147. Doi: 10.1002/pan3.10153

Echeverri & Karp et al., Avian cultural services peak in tropical wet forests

Echeverri, A., D.S. Karp, L.O. Frishkoff, J. Krishnan, R. Naidoo, J. Zhao, J. Zook and K.M.A. Chan (2021). “Avian cultural services peak in tropical wet forests.” Conservation Letters 14(2): e12763. Doi: 10.1111/conl.12763

Chan & Satterfield, The maturation of ecosystem services

Chan, K.M.A. and T. Satterfield (2020). “The maturation of ecosystem services: Social and policy research expands, but whither biophysically-informed valuation?” People and Nature: 2(4): 1021-1060. Doi: 10.1002/pan3.10137

Klain et al., Octopus’s garden under the blade

Klain, S., T. Satterfield, K.M.A. Chan and K. Lindberg (2020). “Octopus’s garden under the blade: Boosting biodiversity increases willingness to pay for offshore wind in the United States.” Energy Research & Social Science 69: 101744. Doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101744

Duarte et al., A user-inspired framework and tool for restoring multifunctional landscapes

Duarte, G.T., M. Mitchell, F. Martello, E.J. Gregr, A.P. Paglia, K.M.A. Chan and M. C. Ribeiro (2020). “A user-inspired framework and tool for restoring multifunctional landscapes: putting into practice stakeholder and scientific knowledge of landscape services.” Landscape Ecology 35: 2535–2548. Doi: 10.1007/s10980-020-01093-7 (This work resulted from Gabi’s visit at UBC.)

Chan et al., Levers and leverage points for pathways to sustainability

Chan, K.M.A., D.R. Boyd, R.K. Gould, J. Jetzkowitz, J. Liu, B. Muraca, R. Naidoo, P. Olmsted, T. Satterfield, O. Selomane, G.G. Singh, R. Sumaila, H.T. Ngo, A.K. Boedhihartono, J. Agard, A.P.D.d. Aguiar, D. Armenteras, L. Balint, C. Barrington-Leigh, W.W.L. Cheung, S. Díaz, J. Driscoll, K. Esler, H. Eyster, E.J. Gregr, S. Hashimoto, G.C.H. Pedraza, T. Hickler, M. Kok, T. Lazarova, A.A.A. Mohamed, M. Murray-Hudson, P. O’Farrell, I. Palomo, A.K. Saysel, R. Seppelt, J. Settele, B. Strassburg, D. Xue and E.S. Brondízio (2020). “Levers and Leverage Points for Pathways to Sustainability.” People and Nature 2(3): 693-717. Doi: 10.1002/pan3.10124

Gregr et al., Cascading social-ecological costs and benefits

Gregr, E.J., V. Christensen, L. Nichol, R.G. Martone, R.W. Markel, J.C. Watson, C.D.G. Harley, E.A. Pakhomov, J.B. Shurin and K.M.A. Chan (2020). “Cascading social-ecological costs and benefits triggered by a recovering keystone predator.” Science 368(6496): 1243-1247. Doi: 10.1126/science.aay5342

Singh et al., Mapping cumulative impacts to coastal ecosystem services in BC

Singh, G.G., I.M.S. Eddy, B.S. Halpern, R. Neslo, T. Satterfield and K.M.A. Chan (2020). “Mapping cumulative impacts to coastal ecosystem services in British Columbia.” PLOS ONE 15(5): e0220092. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220092

Díaz et al., Investments’ role in ecosystem degradation—Response

Díaz, S., J. Settele, E.S. Brondízio, H.T. Ngo, A. Pfaff, S. Polasky, J. Agard, A. Arneth, P. Balvanera, K.A. Brauman, S.H.M. Butchart, K.M.A. Chan, L.A. Garibaldi, K. Ichii, J. Liu, S.M. Subramanian, G.F. Midgley, P. Miloslavich, Z. Molnár, D. Obura, A. Purvis, J. Razzaque, B. Reyers, R.R. Chowdhury, Y.-J. Shin, I. Visseren-Hamakers, K.J. Willis and C.N. Zayas (2020). “Investments’ role in ecosystem degradation—Response.” Science 368(6489): 377-377. Doi: 10.1126/science.abb6019

Chapman et al., How value conflicts infected the science of riparian buffers

Chapman, M., T. Satterfield and K.M.A. Chan (2020). “How value conflicts infected the science of riparian restoration for endangered salmon habitat in America’s Pacific Northwest: Lessons for the application of conservation science to policy.” Biological Conservation 244: 108508. url

Martone et al., Tourism benefits associated with sea otters in coastal BC

Martone, R.G., R. Naidoo, T. Coyle, B. Stelzer and K.M.A. Chan (2020). “Characterizing tourism benefits associated with top-predator conservation in coastal British Columbia.” Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 30(6): 1208–1219. url

Singh et al., Scientific shortcomings in environmental impact statements internationally

Singh, G.G., J. Lerner, M. Mach, C.C. Murray, B. Ranieri, G.P. St-Laurent, J. Wong, A. Guimaraes, G. Yunda-Guarin, T. Satterfield and K.M.A. Chan (2020). “Scientific shortcomings in environmental impact statements internationally.” People and Nature 2(2): 369-379. url

Tadaki, “Is there space for politics in the environmental bureaucracy?”

Tadaki, M. (2020). “Is there space for politics in the environmental bureaucracy? Discretion and constraint in Aotearoa New Zealand’s Ministry for the Environment.” Geoforum 111: 229-238. url

Chapman et al., A payment by any other name … (PES)

Chapman, M., T. Satterfield, H. Wittman and K.M.A. Chan (2020). “A payment by any other name: Is Costa Rica’s PES a payment for services or a support for stewards?” World Development 129: 104900. url

Díaz et al., Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to need for transformative change

Díaz, S., J. Settele, E.S. Brondízio, H.T. Ngo, J. Agard, A. Arneth, P. Balvanera, K.A. Brauman, S.H.M. Butchart, K.M.A. Chan, et al. (2019). “Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change.” Science 366(6471): eaax3100 url

Rodina and Chan, Expert views on strategies to increase water resilience

Rodina, L. and K.M.A. Chan (2019). “Expert views on strategies to increase water resilience: evidence from a global survey.” Ecology and Society 24(4) 28. Url

Olmsted et al, Leveraging support for conservation from ecotourists: can relational values play a role?

Olmsted, P., J. Honey-Rosés, T. Satterfield and K.M.A. Chan (2019). “Leveraging support for conservation from ecotourists: can relational values play a role?” Journal of Sustainable Tourism 28(3): 497-514: 1-18. Url

Echeverri et al., Can avian functional traits predict cultural ecosystem services?

Echeverri, A., D.S. Karp, R. Naidoo, J.A. Tobias, J. Zhao and K.M.A. Chan “Can avian functional traits predict cultural ecosystem services?” People and Nature 2(1): 138-151. Doi: 10.1002/pan3.10058

Singh et al., Response to critique of “The Insignificance of Thresholds in EIA…”

Singh, G.G., J. Lerner, C. Clarke Murray, J. Wong, M. Mach, B. Ranieri, G. Peterson St-Laurent, A. Guimaraes and K.M.A. Chan (2019). “Response to critique of “The Insignificance of Thresholds in Environmental Impact Assessment: An Illustrative Case Study in Canada”.” Environmental Management 64: 133–137. Doi: 10.1007/s00267-019-01182-7

Connecting with Nature

(2019). “Connecting with Nature.” One Earth. Doi: 10.1016/j.oneear.2019.08.001

Gould et al., how one indigenous worldview informs relational values and social values

ld, R.K., M. Pai, B. Muraca and K.M.A. Chan (2019). “He ʻike ʻana ia i ka pono (it is a recognizing of the right thing): how one indigenous worldview informs relational values and social values.” Sustainability Science 14: 1213–1232. Doi: 10.1007/s11625-019-00721-9

Singh et al., Science engagement deemed societally beneficial yet unrewarded

Singh, G.G., V.F. Farjalla, B. Chen, A.E. Pelling, E. Ceyhan, M. Dominik, E. Alisic, J. Kerr, N.E. Selin, G. Bassioni, E. Bennett, A.H. Kemp and K.M. Chan (2019). “Researcher engagement in policy deemed societally beneficial yet unrewarded.” Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17(7): 375-382. Doi: 10.1002/fee.2084

Echeverri et al., Iconic manakins and despicable grackles

Echeverri, A., R. Naidoo, D.S. Karp, K.M.A. Chan and J. Zhao (2019). “Iconic manakins and despicable grackles: Comparing cultural ecosystem services and disservices across stakeholders in Costa Rica.” Ecological Indicators 106: 105454. Doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105454

Karp et al., Remnant forest in Costa Rican working landscapes fosters bird communities that are indistinguishable from protected areas

Karp, D.S., A. Echeverri, J. Zook, P. Juárez, A. Ke, J. Krishnan, K.M.A. Chan, L.O. Frishkoff (2019). “Remnant forest in Costa Rican working landscapes fosters bird communities that are indistinguishable from protected areas.” Journal of Applied Ecology 56(7): 1839–1849. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13419

Echeverri et al., Precipitation and tree cover gradients structure avian alpha diversity in NW Costa Rica

Echeverri, A., L.O. Frishkoff, J.P. Gomez, J.R. Zook, P. Juárez, R. Naidoo, K.M.A. Chan, D.S. Karp “Precipitation and tree cover gradients structure avian alpha diversity in North-western Costa Rica.” Diversity and Distributions 25(8): 1222–1233. Doi: 10.1111/ddi.12932

Westwood et al., Protecting biodiversity in British Columbia

Westwood, A.R., S.P. Otto, A. Mooers, C. Darimont, K.E. Hodges, C. Johnson, … K.M.A. Chan, … J. Whitton (2019). “Protecting biodiversity in British Columbia: Recommendations for developing species at risk legislation.” FACETS 4(1): 136-160. Doi: 10.1139/facets-2018-0042

Echeverri et al., Precipitation and tree cover gradients structure avian alpha diversity in NW Costa Rica

Echeverri, A., L.O. Frishkoff, J.P. Gomez, J.R. Zook, P. Juárez, R. Naidoo, K.M.A. Chan, D.S. Karp “Precipitation and tree cover gradients structure avian alpha diversity in North-western Costa Rica.” Diversity and Distributions 0(0). Doi: 10.1111/ddi.12932

Westwood et al., Protecting biodiversity in British Columbia

Westwood, A.R., S.P. Otto, A. Mooers, C. Darimont, K.E. Hodges, C. Johnson, … K.M.A. Chan, … J. Whitton (2019). “Protecting biodiversity in British Columbia: Recommendations for developing species at risk legislation.” FACETS 4(1): 136-160. Doi: 10.1139/facets-2018-0042

Chan et al., Relational values: what are they, and what’s the fuss about?

Chan, K.M.A., R.K. Gould and U. Pascual (2018). “Editorial overview: Relational values: what are they, and what’s the fuss about?” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 35: A1-A7. Doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2018.11.003

Gaston et al., “People and nature—A journal of relational thinking”

Gaston, K.J., E. Aimé, K.M.A. Chan, R. Fish, R.S. Hails and C. Maller. (in press). “People and nature—A journal of relational thinking.” People and Nature 1(1): 4–5. Doi: 10.1002/pan3.7

Jax et al., “Caring for nature matters”

Jax, K., M. Calestani, K.M.A. Chan, et al. (2018). “Caring for nature matters: a relational approach for understanding nature’s contributions to human well-being.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 35: 22-29. Doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2018.10.009

Gregr et al., “Why less complexity produces better forecasts”

Gregr, E.J., D.M. Palacios, A. Thompson and K.M.A. Chan (2018). “Why less complexity produces better forecasts: An independent data evaluation of kelp habitat models.” Ecography 42(3): 428–443. Doi: 10.1111/ecog.03470

Šunde et al., “Valuation as destruction?”

Šunde, C., J. Sinner, M. Tadaki, J. Stephenson, B. Glavovic, S. Awatere, A. Giorgetti, N. Lewis, A. Young, K. Chan. (2018). “Valuation as destruction? The social effects of valuation processes in contested marine spaces.” Marine Policy 97(Nov): 170-178. Doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.05.024

Frei et al., Bright spots in agricultural landscapes: Identifying areas exceeding expectations for multifunctionality and biodiversity

Frei, B., Renard, D., Mitchell, M.G.E., Seufert, V., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Rhemtulla, J.M., Bennett, E.M. In Press. Bright spots in agricultural landscapes: Identifying areas exceeding expectations for multi functionality and biodiversity. Journal of Applied Ecology 55(6): 2731-2743. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13191

Frishkoff et al., Do correlated responses to multiple environmental changes exacerbate or mitigate species loss?

Frishkoff, L.O., A. Echeverri, K.M.A. Chan and D.S. Karp “Do correlated responses to multiple environmental changes exacerbate or mitigate species loss?” Oikos 127(12): 1724-1734. Doi: 10.1111/oik.05288

Echeverri et al., Approaching human-animal relationships from multiple angles: A synthetic perspective

Echeverri, A., D.S. Karp, R. Naidoo, J. Zhao and K.M.A. Chan (2018). “Approaching human-animal relationships from multiple angles: A synthetic perspective.” Biological Conservation 224: 50-62. Doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.05.015

Clarke Murray et al., The insignificance of thresholds in EIA: An Illustrative Case Study in Canada

Clarke Murray, C., J. Wong, G.G. Singh, M. Mach, J. Lerner, B. Ranieri, G. Peterson St-Laurent, A. Guimaraes and K.M.A. Chan (2018). “The insignificance of thresholds in Environmental Impact Assessment: An Illustrative Case Study in Canada.” Environmental Management 61(6): 1062-1071. Doi: 10.1007/s00267-018-1025-6

Tam et al., Gone fishing? Intergenerational cultural shifts can undermine common property co-managed fisheries

Tam, J., K.M.A. Chan, T. Satterfield, G.G. Singh and S. Gelcich (2018). “Gone fishing? Intergenerational cultural shifts can undermine common property co-managed fisheries.” Marine Policy 90: 1-5. Doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.01.025

Díaz et al. Assessing nature’s contributions to people

Díaz, S., U. Pascual, M. Stenseke, B. Martín-López, R.T. Watson, Z. Molnár, R. Hill, K.M.A. Chan, I. Baste, et al. (2018). “Assessing nature’s contributions to people.” Science 359(6373): 270-272. Doi: 10.1126/science.aap8826

Kreitzman et al., Wild salmon sustain parasite control on salmon farms

Kreitzman, M., J. Ashander, J. Driscoll, A.W. Bateman, K.M.A. Chan, M.A. Lewis and M. Krkosek (2018). “Wild salmon sustain the effectiveness of parasite control on salmon farms: Conservation implications from an evolutionary ecosystem service.” Conservation Letters 11(2): e12395. Doi: 10.1111/conl.12395

Chapman et al., 5 Key challenges and solutions for governing complex adaptive (food) systems

Chapman, M., S. Klassen, M. Kreitzman, A. Semmelink, K. Sharp, G. Singh and K.M.A. Chan (2017). “5 Key challenges and solutions for governing complex adaptive (food) systems.” Sustainability 9(9): 1594. Doi: 10.3390/su9091594

Klain et al., Relational values resonate broadly and differently

Klain, S.C., P. Olmsted, K.M.A. Chan and T. Satterfield (2017). “Relational values resonate broadly and differently than intrinsic or instrumental values, or the New Ecological Paradigm.” PLOS ONE 12(8): e0183962. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0183962

Rudman et al., Contemporary evosystem services: A reply to Faith et al.

Rudman, S.M., M. Kreitzman, K.M.A. Chan and D. Schluter (2017). “Contemporary evosystem services: A reply to Faith et al.” Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32(6): 403–415. Doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2017.07.006

Karp et al., Agriculture erases climate-driven beta-diversity

Karp, D.S., L.O. Frishkoff, A. Echeverri, J. Zook, P. Juárez and K.M.A. Chan (2018). “Agriculture erases climate-driven β-diversity in Neotropical bird communities.” Global Change Biology 24(1): 338–349. Doi: 10.1111/gcb.13821

Singh et al., Group elicitations yield more consistent, yet more uncertain experts

Singh, G.G., J. Sinner, J. Ellis, M. Kandlikar, B.S. Halpern, T. Satterfield and K. Chan (2017). “Group elicitations yield more consistent, yet more uncertain experts in understanding risks to ecosystem services in New Zealand bays.” PLOS ONE 12(8): e0182233. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182233

Kearney et al., Predicting carbon benefits from climate-smart agriculture

Kearney, S.P., N.C. Coops, K.M.A. Chan, S.J. Fonte, P. Siles and S.M. Smukler (2017). “Predicting carbon benefits from climate-smart agriculture: High-resolution carbon mapping and uncertainty assessment in El Salvador.” Journal of Environmental Management 202, Part 1: 287-298. Doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.07.039

Echeverri & Chan, Conservation of Ecosystem Services

Echeverri, A. and K.M.A. Chan (2017). Conservation of ecosystem services. Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology, Oxford University Press. Doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780199830060-0186

Klain et al., Bird killer, industrial intruder or clean energy?

Klain, S.C., T. Satterfield, J. Sinner, J.I. Ellis and K.M.A. Chan (2018). “Bird killer, industrial intruder or clean energy? Perceiving risks to ecosystem services due to an offshore wind farm.” Ecological Economics 143: 111-129. Doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.06.030

Pascual et al., Off-stage ecosystem service burdens

Pascual, U., I. Palomo, W.M. Adams, K.M.A. Chan et al. (2017). “Off-stage ecosystem service burdens: A blind spot for global sustainability.” Environmental Research Letters 12(7): 075001. Doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa7392

Tadaki & Chan, Economizing Nature as a Political Strategy: Is It Working?

Tadaki, M. and K.M.A. Chan (2017). “Economizing nature as a political strategy: Is it working?” BioScience. Doi: 10.1093/biosci/bix060

Klain et al., Will Communities “Open-Up” to Offshore Wind?

Klain, S.C., T. Satterfield, S. MacDonald, N. Battista and K.M.A. Chan (2017). “Will communities “open-up” to offshore wind? Lessons learned from New England islands in the United States.” Energy Research & Social Science 34: 13-26. Doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2017.05.009 (Open access)

Singh et al., Mechanisms and risk of cumulative impacts to coastal ecosystem services

Singh, G.G., J. Sinner, J. Ellis, M. Kandlikar, B.S. Halpern, T. Satterfield and K.M.A. Chan (2017). “Mechanisms and risk of cumulative impacts to coastal ecosystem services: An expert elicitation approach.” Journal of Environmental Management 199: 229-241. Doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.05.032

Kaltenborn et al., Ecosystem services and cultural values as building blocks for ‘the good life’

Kaltenborn, B.P., J.D.C. Linnell, E. Gómez-Baggethun, H. Lindhjem, J. Thomassen and K.M. Chan (2017). “Ecosystem services and cultural values as building blocks for ‘the good life’. A case study in the community of Røst, Lofoten Islands, Norway.” Ecological Economics 140: 166-176. Doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.05.003

Chan et al., Payments for ecosystem services: Rife with problems and potential—for transformation towards sustainability

Chan, K.M.A., E. Anderson, M. Chapman, K. Jespersen and P. Olmsted (2017). “Payments for ecosystem services: Rife with problems and potential—for transformation towards sustainability.” Ecological Economics 140: 110-122. Doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.04.029

Rudman et al., Evosystem services: Rapid evolution and the provision of ecosystem services

Rudman, S.M., M. Kreitzman, K.M.A. Chan and D. Schluter “Evosystem services: Rapid evolution and the provision of ecosystem services.” Trends in Ecology & Evolution. Doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2017.02.019

Chapman et al., Sustainability beyond city limits: can “greener” beef lighten a city’s Ecological Footprint?

Chapman, M., A. LaValle, G. Furey and K.M.A. Chan (2017). “Sustainability beyond city limits: can “greener” beef lighten a city’s Ecological Footprint?” Sustainability Science: 1-14. Doi: 10.1007/s11625-017-0423-7

Levine et al., Sea otters, social justice, and ecosystem-service perceptions

Levine, J., M. Muthukrishna, K.M.A. Chan and T. Satterfield (2017). “Sea otters, social justice, and ecosystem-service perceptions in Clayoquot Sound, Canada.” Conservation Biology 31(2): 343-352. Doi: 10.1111/cobi.12795

Echeverri, A. et al. Explicit not Implicit Preferences Predict Conservation Intentions for Endangered Species and Biomes.

Echeverri, A., Callahan, M.M., Chan, K.M.A., Satterfield, T. & Zhao, J. (2017). “Explicit not Implicit Preferences Predict Conservation Intentions for Endangered Species and Biomes” PLOS ONE 12(1):e0170973. url

Echeverri et al., How messaging shapes attitudes toward sea otters as a species at risk

Echeverri, A., K.M.A. Chan and J. Zhao (2017). “How messaging shapes attitudes toward sea otters as a species at risk.” Human Dimensions of Wildlife 22(2): 142-156. url

Tadaki et al., Making sense of environmental values: a typology of concepts

Tadaki, M., J. Sinner and K.M.A. Chan (2017). “Making sense of environmental values: a typology of concepts.” Ecology and Society 22(1). url

Balvanera et al., Ecosystem services for GEO-BON

Balvanera, P., S. Quijas, D. S. Karp, N. Ash, E. M. Bennett, R. Boumans, C. Brown, K.M.A. Chan, et al. (2016). Ecosystem services. The GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Observation Networks. M. Walters and R. J. Scholes. Cham, Switzerland, Springer Open: 39-78. url

Clarke Murray et al., Supporting risk assessment: Accounting for indirect risk to ecosystem components

Clarke Murray, C., M. E. Mach, R. G. Martone, G. G. Singh, M. O and K. M. A. Chan (2016). “Supporting risk assessment: Accounting for indirect risk to ecosystem components.” PLOS ONE 11(9): e0162932. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0162932

Bennett et al., Conservation social science: Understanding and integrating human dimensions to improve conservation

Bennett, N.J., R. Roth, S.C. Klain, K.M.A. Chan, P. Christie, D.A. Clark, G. Cullman, D. Curran, G. Epstein, A. Greenberg, M.P. Nelson, J. Sandlos, R. Stedman, T.L. Teel, R.E.W. Thomas, D. Veríssimo, C. Wyborn. (in press). Conservation social science: Understanding and integrating human dimensions to improve conservation.” Biological Conservation. Doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.10.006

Bennett et al., Mainstreaming the social sciences in conservation

Bennett, N.J., R. Roth, S.C. Klain, K.M.A. Chan, D.A. Clark, G. Cullman, G. Epstein, M.P. Nelson, R. Stedman, T.L. Teel, R.E.W. Thomas, C. Wyborn, D. Curran, A. Greenberg, J. Sandlos and D. Veríssimo. (2016). “Mainstreaming the social sciences in conservation.” Conservation Biology: n/a-n/a. Doi: 10.1111/cobi.12788

Mach et al., Nonnative species in British Columbia eelgrass beds

Mach, M.E., C.D. Levings and K.M.A. Chan (2016). “Nonnative species in British Columbia eelgrass beds spread via shellfish aquaculture and stay for the mild climate.” Estuaries and Coasts: 1-13. Doi: 10.1007/s12237-016-0124-y

Sustainability: Steeped in Values, Animated by Process, and Structured (but Not Dictated) by Experts

Marc Tadaki and Kai Chan’s BioScience review of Bryan Norton’s book, “Sustainable Values, Sustainable Change: A Guide to Environmental Decision Making”. Better than any other, the book integrates environmental values with adaptive management, pointing towards engagement processes for sustainability.

Chan et al., Relational Values for the Environment (PNAS)

Chan, K. M. A., P. Balvanera, K. Benessaiah, et al. (2016). “Why protect nature? Rethinking values and the environment.” PNAS 113(6): 1462–1465. Access the recommendation on F1000Prime

Wieland et al., Debunking trickle-down ecosystem services

Wieland, R., S. Ravensbergen, E. J. Gregr, T. Satterfield and K. M. A. Chan (2016). “Debunking trickle-down ecosystem services: The fallacy of omnipotent, homogeneous beneficiaries.” Ecological Economics 121: 175-180.

Levine et al., Exorcising the Ghost of Homo economicus

Levine, J., K. M. A. Chan and T. Satterfield (2015). “From rational actor to efficient complexity manager: Exorcising the ghost of Homo economicus with a unified synthesis of cognition research.” Ecological Economics 114(0): 22-32.

Levine et al. in Ecology & Society: mental models of coastal foodwebs

Levine, J., M. Muthukrishna, K. M. A. Chan and T. Satterfield (2015). “Theories of the deep: combining salience and network analyses to produce mental model visualizations of a coastal British Columbia food web.” Ecology and Society 20(4).

Mach, M. E., R. G. Martone and K. M. A. Chan (2015). “Human impacts and ecosystem services: Insufficient research for trade-off evaluation.” Ecosystem Services 16: 112-120.

Mach, M. E., R. G. Martone and K. M. A. Chan (2015). “Human impacts and ecosystem services: Insufficient research for trade-off evaluation.” Ecosystem Services 16: 112-120.

Bennett, Kadfak & Dearden, 2015. Environment, Development & Sustainability. Community-based scenario planning: A process for vulnerability analysis and adaptation planning to social-ecological change in coastal communities.

Bennett, N., Kadfak, A. & Dearden, P. (2015). Community-based scenario planning: A process for vulnerability analysis and adaptation planning to social-ecological change in coastal communities. Environment, Development and Sustainability.

Bennett, Blythe, Tyler & Ban. Regional Environmental Change, 2015. Communities and Change in the Anthropocene: Understanding Social-Ecological Vulnerability and Planning Adaptations to Multiple Interacting Exposures

Bennett, N. Blythe, J., Tyler, S., Ban, N. (2015). Communities and Change in the Anthropocene: Understanding Social-Ecological Vulnerability and Planning Adaptations to Multiple Interacting Exposures. Regional Environmental Change.

Bennett 2015 Conservation Biology: Governing Marine Protected Areas in an Interconnected and Changing World

Bennett, N. J. (2015). Governing Marine Protected Areas in an Interconnected and Changing World. Conservation Biology [OPEN ACCESS]

Bennett, Govan & Satterfield 2015 Marine Policy: Ocean Grabbing

Bennett, N. J., Govan, H., & Satterfield, T. (2015). Ocean grabbing. Marine Policy, 57, 61–68. [OPEN ACCESS]

Klain, Satterfield & Chan 2014 Ecol Economics: Ecosystem services and their bundled qualities

Klain, S.C., Satterfield, T.A., Chan, K.M.A., 2014. What matters and why? Ecosystem services and their bundled qualities. Ecological Economics 107, 310–320. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.09.003 URL

Naeem … Olmsted et al. 2015 Science: Science right when paying for services

Naeem, S., J. C. Ingram, A. Varga, T. Agardy, P. Barten, G. Bennett, E. Bloomgarden… P. Olmsted et al. 2015. Get the science right when paying for nature’s services. Science 347(6227):1206-1207.

Mach et al. 2014 OCM: Ecological Effects of an Invasive Seagrass

Mach ME, S Wyllie-Echeverria and KMA Chan. 2014. Ecological effect of a nonnative seagrass spreading in the Northeast Pacific: a review of Zostera japonica. Ocean and Coastal Management 102:375–382.

Mach & Chan 2014 F1000Research: Greenbacks for Greencrabs

Mach ME and KMA Chan. 2014. Trading greenbacks for green crabs: Evaluating the commercial shellfish harvest at risk to European green crab invasion. F1000Research. [v3; ref status: indexed, ]

Bennett & Dearden 2013 Local Environment: A Picture of Change: Using Photovoice to Explore Social and Environmental Change in Coastal Communities on the Andaman Coast of Thailand

Bennett, N. & Dearden, P. (2013). A Picture of Change: Using Photovoice to Explore Social and Environmental Change in Coastal Communities on the Andaman Coast of Thailand. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. 18(9), 983-1001. [Email for copy]

Bennett & Lemelin 2014 Community Development Journal: Situating the Eco-Social Economy: Environmental Movements and Conservation Organizations as Catalysts for Social and Economic Development

Bennett, N. & Lemelin, R. H. (2014). Situating the Eco-Social Economy: Environmental Movements and Conservation Organizations as Catalysts for Social and Economic Development. Community Development Journal, 49 (1), 69-84.

Bennett & Dearden 2014 Marine Policy: Why local people do not support conservation: Community perceptions of marine protected area livelihood impacts, governance and management in Thailand

Bennett, N. J. & Dearden, P. (2014). Why local people do not support conservation: Community perceptions of marine protected area livelihood impacts, governance and management in Thailand. Marine Policy, 44, 107-116. [OPEN ACCESS]

Bennett et al. 2014 Climate & Development: Vulnerability to multiple stressors in coastal communities: A study of the Andaman Coast of Thailand

Bennett, N., Dearden, P., & Peredo, A.M. (2014). “Vulnerability to multiple stressors in coastal communities: A study of the Andaman Coast of Thailand” Climate and Development. Online. [Email for copy]

Bennett et al. 2014 Ecology & Society: The capacity to adapt?: communities in a changing climate, environment, and economy on the northern Andaman coast of Thailand

Bennett, N. J., P. Dearden, G. Murray and A. Kadfak. 2014. The capacity to adapt?: communities in a changing climate, environment, and economy on the northern Andaman coast of Thailand. Ecology and Society 19 (2): 5. [online]  [OPEN ACCESS]

Bennett & Dearden 2014 Marine Policy: From measuring outcomes to providing inputs: Governance, management, and local development for more effective marine protected areas

Bennett, N. J., & Dearden, P. (2014). From measuring outcomes to providing inputs: Governance, management, and local development for more effective marine protected areas. Marine Policy, 50, 96–110. [OPEN ACCESS]

Weigel, Mannle, Bennett… & Hellman 2014 Aquatic Conservation: Marine protected areas and fisheries: Bridging the divide

Weigel, J.Y., Mannle, K.O., Bennett, N.J., Carter, E., Westlund, L., Burgener, V., Hoffman, Z., Da Silva, A.S., Kane, E.A., Sanders, J., Piante, C., Wagiman, S. & Hellman, A. (2014). Marine protected areas and fisheries: Bridging the divide. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24(S2), 199-215. [OPEN ACCESS]

Klain, Beveridge, & Bennett 2014 Ecology & Society: Ecologically sustainable but unjust? Negotiating equity and authority in common-pool marine resource management

Klain, S., Beveridge, R, Bennett, N.J. (2014). Ecologically sustainable but unjust? Negotiating equity and authority in common-pool marine resource management. Ecology & Society 19(4), 52. [OPEN ACCESS]

Satterfield et al 2013 JEM: Culture, Intangibles and Metrics in Environmental Management

Satterfield, T., R. Gregory, S. Klain, M. Roberts and K. M. Chan (2013). “Culture, intangibles and metrics in environmental management.” Journal of Environmental Management 117: 103-114. url pdf

Satz et al. 2013 Ambio: Challenges of Incorporating Cultural Ecosystem Services into Environmental Assessment

Satz, D., R. K. Gould, K. M. A. Chan, et al. (2013). “The challenges of incorporating cultural ecosystem services into environmental assessment.” Ambio 42(6): 675-684. url

Raymond et al. 2013 BioScience: Ecosystem Services and Beyond, Multiple Metaphors …

Raymond, C. M., G. Singh, K. Benessaiah, et al. (2013). “Ecosystem services and beyond: Using multiple metaphors to understand human–environment relationships.” BioScience 63(7): 536-546. url

Russell et al. 2013 ARER: Humans and Nature, how knowing and experience nature affect well-being

Russell, R., A. D. Guerry, P. Balvanera, R. K. Gould, X. Basurto, K. M. A. Chan, S. Klain, J. Levine and J. Tam (2013). “Humans and nature: How knowing and experiencing nature affect well-being.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 38(1): 473-502. url

Singh et al. 2013 in PLoS ONE: Sea otters homogenize mussel beds

Singh, G. G., R. W. Markel, R. G. Martone, A. K. Salomon, C. D. G. Harley and K. M. A. Chan (2013). “Sea otters may homogenize mussel-beds and reduce habitat provisioning in a rocky intertidal ecosystem.” PLoS ONE 8(5): e65435. url

Understanding individual risk perceptions and preferences for climate change adaptations in biological conservation

Tam, J. and T. L. McDaniels. 2013. Understanding individual risk perceptions and preferences for climate change adaptations in biological conservation. Environmental Science & Policy 27:114-123.

Luck et al. in BioScience: Ethical considerations of ES applications

Luck, G., K. M. A. Chan, et al. (2012). “Ethical considerations in on-ground applications of the ecosystem services concept.” BioScience 62(12): 1020-1029. (pdf)

Spatial Prioritisation for Protecting Ecosystem Services

Luck, G. W., K. M. A. Chan and C. J. Klein. 2012. Identifying spatial priorities for protecting ecosystem services. F1000 Research.

Geographic variation in a Temperate Reef Snail

Martone, RM and F Micheli. 2012. Geographic variation in demography of a temperate reef snail: importance of multiple life-history traits. Marine Ecological Progress Series 457:85-99 Link

Where are Cultural and Social in Ecosystem Services? A Framework for Constructive Engagement

Kai M. A. Chan, Anne D. Guerry, Patricia Balvanera, Sarah Klain, Terre Satterfield, Xavier Basurto, Ann Bostrom, Ratana Chuenpagdee, Rachelle Gould, Benjamin S. Halpern, Neil Hannahs, Jordan Levine, Bryan Norton, Mary Ruckelshaus, Roly Russell, Jordan Tam and Ulalia Woodside. 2012. Where are Cultural and Social in Ecosystem Services? A Framework for Constructive Engagement. BioScience. 62(8): 744-756 (pdf) cIRcle

Navigating coast values: Participatory mapping of ecosystem services for spatial planning

Klain, S.C. and Chan, K.M.A. 2012. Navigating coast values: Participatory mapping of ecosystem services for spatial planning. Ecological Economics. (pdf)

Contributions of cultural services to the ecosystem services agenda

Daniel, T. C., Muhar, A., Arnberger, A., Aznar, O., Boyd, J. W., Chan, K. M. A., . . . von der Dunk, A. 2012. Contributions of cultural services to the ecosystem services agenda. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (pdf)

Moving beyond single-sector management to marine spatial planning (MSP) yields benefits – F1000 Review

Klain S, Chan K: “White et al. are the first to show how moving beyond single-sector management to marine…” Evaluation of: [White C et al. Ecosystem service tradeoff analysis reveals the value of marine spatial planning for multiple ocean uses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Mar 5; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1114215109]. Faculty of 1000, […]

Biodiversity and ecosystem services F1000 review

Olmsted P, Chan K: “Mace et al.’s review should lead to an improvement in communication among conservation…” Evaluation of: [Mace GM et al. Biodiversity and ecosystem services: a multilayered relationship. Trends Ecol Evol. 2012 Jan; 27(1):19-26; doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2011.08.006]. Faculty of 1000, 01 Mar 2012.

Modelling benefits from nature: Using ecosystem services to inform coastal and marine spatial planning

Guerry, A., M. Ruckelshaus, K. Arkema, et al. (2012). “Modelling benefits from nature: Using ecosystem services to inform coastal and marine spatial planning.” International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management: 1-15.

Rethinking ecosystem services to better address and navigate cultural values

Chan, K. M. A., T. Satterfield and J. Goldstein (2012). “Rethinking ecosystem services to better address and navigate cultural values.” Ecological Economics 74: 8-18. pdf

Tunicates are a drag, especially when they invade

Clarke Murray, C, TW Therriault and PT Martone. 2012. Adapted for invasion? Comparing attachment, drag and dislodgment of native and nonindigenous hull fouling species. Biological Invasions DOI: Link

Integrating Cultural and Social into Ecosystem Services

Chan, K.M.A., Guerry, A., Klain, S., Balvanera, P., Satterfield, T., Basurto, X., Bostrom, A., Chuenpagdee, R., Gould, R., Halpern, B., Hannahs, N., Levine, J., Norton, B., Ruckelshaus, M., Russell, R., Tam, J., and Woodside, U. (accepted BioScience).  Integrating ‘cultural’ and ‘social’ into ecosystem services: A framework for making decisions about what matters.

Perceptions of Climate Change in Costa Rica

Vignola, R., Klinsky, S., Tam, J., and McDaniels, T. In Press. Public perceptions of climate change in Costa Rica: Comparisons with North American and European Studies. Online First: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. DOI: 10.1007/s11027-012-9364-8

New Blog Post: Triage Terror

Kai Chan and Sarah Klain have written a blog post entitled, Triage Terror: Are conservation scientists ready to let endangered species blink out? Think again.

Important marine invasive species vector- Recreational Boats

Clarke Murray, C, EA Pakhomov and TW Therriault. 2011. Recreational boating: a large unregulated vector transporting marine invasive species. Diversity and Distributions. 17(6):1161-1172 DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2011.00798.x

Infaunal engineer established in the Northeast Pacific

Mach, M.E., C.D. Levings, P.S. McDonald, and K.M.A. Chan (2011) An Atlantic infaunal engineer is established in the Northeast Pacific: Clymenella troquata (polychaeta: maldanidae) on the British Columbia and Washington Coasts. Biological Invasions.

Snail Behaviour in Response to Danger Cues

Mach M.E. and P.E. Bourdeau (2011) To flee or not to flee? Risk assessment by a marine snail in multiple cue environments. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.

Ecosystem Services in Planning

Chan, K. M. A., L. Hoshizaki and B. Klinkenberg (2011) “Ecosystem Services in Conservation Planning: Targeted Benefits or Co-benefits/Costs?” PLoS ONE 6(9): e24378.

Ethical Extensionism under Uncertainty of Sentience: Duties to Non-Human Organisms without Drawing a Line

Chan, K. M. A. (2011). “Ethical extensionism under uncertainty of sentience: Duties to non-human organisms without drawing a line.” Environmental Values 20: 323-346. pdf

Review in Faculty of 1000

Klain S, Chan K: “Newton raises important cautionary advice on how people have a tendency to manipulate any measure that is formally recognized as an indicator” Evaluation of: [Newton AC. Implications of Goodhart’s Law for monitoring global biodiversity loss. Cons Lett. 2011; 4:264-268]. Faculty of 1000, 11 Aug 2011.

Science Engagement Pub

Sisk, T.D., G. Singh, J. Tam, K.M.A. Chan, S. Klain, M. Mach, and R. Martone. 2011. Barriers and Incentives to Engagement in Public Policy and Science-based Advocacy. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 92:276–280.


Ed and Kai have letters published in the Vancouver Sun about the federal government pulling out of the PNCIMA marine planning process.

Making science relevant to marine ecosystem-based management

Gregr, E.D. and K.M.A Chan. 2011. Making science relevant to marine ecosystem-based management (Letter to the Editor). Biological Conservation. 144(2):670-671 DOI: