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Bennett & Dearden 2013 Local Environment: A Picture of Change: Using Photovoice to Explore Social and Environmental Change in Coastal Communities on the Andaman Coast of Thailand

Bennett, N. & Dearden, P. (2013). A Picture of Change: Using Photovoice to Explore Social and Environmental Change in Coastal Communities on the Andaman Coast of Thailand. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. 18(9), 983-1001. [Email for copy]

Bennett & Lemelin 2014 Community Development Journal: Situating the Eco-Social Economy: Environmental Movements and Conservation Organizations as Catalysts for Social and Economic Development

Bennett, N. & Lemelin, R. H. (2014). Situating the Eco-Social Economy: Environmental Movements and Conservation Organizations as Catalysts for Social and Economic Development. Community Development Journal, 49 (1), 69-84.

Bennett & Dearden 2014 Marine Policy: Why local people do not support conservation: Community perceptions of marine protected area livelihood impacts, governance and management in Thailand

Bennett, N. J. & Dearden, P. (2014). Why local people do not support conservation: Community perceptions of marine protected area livelihood impacts, governance and management in Thailand. Marine Policy, 44, 107-116. [OPEN ACCESS]

Bennett et al. 2014 Climate & Development: Vulnerability to multiple stressors in coastal communities: A study of the Andaman Coast of Thailand

Bennett, N., Dearden, P., & Peredo, A.M. (2014). “Vulnerability to multiple stressors in coastal communities: A study of the Andaman Coast of Thailand” Climate and Development. Online. [Email for copy]

Bennett et al. 2014 Ecology & Society: The capacity to adapt?: communities in a changing climate, environment, and economy on the northern Andaman coast of Thailand

Bennett, N. J., P. Dearden, G. Murray and A. Kadfak. 2014. The capacity to adapt?: communities in a changing climate, environment, and economy on the northern Andaman coast of Thailand. Ecology and Society 19 (2): 5. [online]  [OPEN ACCESS]

Bennett & Dearden 2014 Marine Policy: From measuring outcomes to providing inputs: Governance, management, and local development for more effective marine protected areas

Bennett, N. J., & Dearden, P. (2014). From measuring outcomes to providing inputs: Governance, management, and local development for more effective marine protected areas. Marine Policy, 50, 96–110. [OPEN ACCESS]

Weigel, Mannle, Bennett… & Hellman 2014 Aquatic Conservation: Marine protected areas and fisheries: Bridging the divide

Weigel, J.Y., Mannle, K.O., Bennett, N.J., Carter, E., Westlund, L., Burgener, V., Hoffman, Z., Da Silva, A.S., Kane, E.A., Sanders, J., Piante, C., Wagiman, S. & Hellman, A. (2014). Marine protected areas and fisheries: Bridging the divide. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24(S2), 199-215. [OPEN ACCESS]

Klain, Beveridge, & Bennett 2014 Ecology & Society: Ecologically sustainable but unjust? Negotiating equity and authority in common-pool marine resource management

Klain, S., Beveridge, R, Bennett, N.J. (2014). Ecologically sustainable but unjust? Negotiating equity and authority in common-pool marine resource management. Ecology & Society 19(4), 52. [OPEN ACCESS]

Kai’s op-ed in the Georgia Straight

“How could the Joint Review Panel get it so wrong on the Enbridge pipeline?
Northern Gateway project review suggests systemic failures” Read it here.

Kai on CBC Ideas

On June 4, Paul Kennedy’s CBC Ideas show featured the Muskoka Summit on the Environment, with Robert Bateman, Elena Bennett, Dan Simberloff, Bob Sandford, Peter Victor and Kai Chan. Hear it here.