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Beyond intrinsic vs. instrumental: Relational values appeal broadly

Beyond intrinsic vs. instrumental: Relational values appeal broadly

The CHANS lab paper (led by Kai)–on relational values as an alternative values-framing for environmental protection and sustainability–was just published in PNAS. Chan, K. M. A., P. Balvanera, K. Benessaiah, et al. (2016). “Why protect nature? Rethinking values and the environment.” PNAS 113(6): 1462–1465.

Chan et al., Relational Values for the Environment (PNAS)

Chan, K. M. A., P. Balvanera, K. Benessaiah, et al. (2016). “Why protect nature? Rethinking values and the environment.” PNAS 113(6): 1462–1465. Access the recommendation on F1000Prime