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Díaz et al., Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to need for transformative change

Díaz, S., J. Settele, E.S. Brondízio, H.T. Ngo, J. Agard, A. Arneth, P. Balvanera, K.A. Brauman, S.H.M. Butchart, K.M.A. Chan, et al. (2019). “Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change.” Science 366(6471): eaax3100 url

IPBES Global Assessment synthesized in Science

IPBES Global Assessment synthesized in Science

As one of the Coordinating Lead Authors, Kai coauthored this article.

Rodina and Chan, Expert views on strategies to increase water resilience

Rodina, L. and K.M.A. Chan (2019). “Expert views on strategies to increase water resilience: evidence from a global survey.” Ecology and Society 24(4) 28. Url

Olmsted et al, Leveraging support for conservation from ecotourists: can relational values play a role?

Olmsted, P., J. Honey-Rosés, T. Satterfield and K.M.A. Chan (2019). “Leveraging support for conservation from ecotourists: can relational values play a role?” Journal of Sustainable Tourism 28(3): 497-514: 1-18. Url

Echeverri et al., Can avian functional traits predict cultural ecosystem services?

Echeverri, A., D.S. Karp, R. Naidoo, J.A. Tobias, J. Zhao and K.M.A. Chan “Can avian functional traits predict cultural ecosystem services?” People and Nature 2(1): 138-151. Doi: 10.1002/pan3.10058

Maayan ups the ante, with Extinction Rebellion

At CHANS Lab, we believe it’s our responsibility to act when the science calls for action in the public interest, and we have our own individual styles of this, including civil disobedience. Maayan Kreitzman co-led Extinction Rebellion Vancouver’s closure of the Burrard Street bridge. See this video, the Star, and the Georgia Straight. #rebelforlife

Kai named one of Canada’s Clean16

Kai named one of Canada’s Clean16

Kai Chan was named a Clean16 Honouree for 2020, as one of the leaders of sustainability in Canada.

Aspen Ono features in video campaign on climate action

Athletes can be powerful ambassadors to bring people together around climate action. Join our #climatecomeback! See video here and write-up here.

Singh et al., Response to critique of “The Insignificance of Thresholds in EIA…”

Singh, G.G., J. Lerner, C. Clarke Murray, J. Wong, M. Mach, B. Ranieri, G. Peterson St-Laurent, A. Guimaraes and K.M.A. Chan (2019). “Response to critique of “The Insignificance of Thresholds in Environmental Impact Assessment: An Illustrative Case Study in Canada”.” Environmental Management 64: 133–137. Doi: 10.1007/s00267-019-01182-7