Papers & Talks

Refereed Publications

Raymond, C., Singh, G., Benessaiah, K., Bernhardt, J., Levine, J., Nelson, H., Turner, N., Norton, B., Tam, J., Chan., K.M.A. (in press BioScience). Ecosystem services and beyond: Using multiple metaphors to understand human-environment relationships.

Ban, N. C., Mills, M., Tam, J., Hicks, C. C., Klain, S., Stoeckl, N., Bottrill, M., Levine, J., Pressey, R.L., Satterfield, T., and Chan, K.M.A. (2013). A social–ecological approach to conservation planning: embedding social considerations. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. doi: 10.1890/110205

Tam, J., & McDaniels, T. L. (2013). Understanding individual risk perceptions and preferences for climate change adaptations in biological conservation. Environmental Science & Policy, 27, 114-123.

Chan, K.M.A., Guerry, A., Klain, S., Balvanera, P., Satterfield, T., Basurto, X., Bostrom, A., Chuenpagdee, R., Gould, R., Halpern, B., Hannahs, N., Levine, J., Norton, B., Ruckelshaus, M., Russell, R., Tam, J., and Woodside, U. (2012). Where are Cultural and Social in Ecosystem Services? A Framework for Constructive Engagement. BioScience, 62(8), 744-756. doi: 10.1525/bio.2012.62.8.7

Daniel, T.C., Muhar, A., Arnberger, A., Aznar, O., Boyd, J.W., Chan, K.M.A., Costanza, R., Elmqvist, T., Flint, C.G., Gobster, P.H., Gret-Regamey, A., Lave, R., Muhar, S., Penker, M., Ribe, R.G., Schauppenlehner, T., Sikor, T., Soloviy, I., Spierenburg, M., Taczanowska, K., Tam, J., and von der Dunk, A. (2012). Cultural ecosystem services: Potential contributions to the ecosystem services science and policy agenda. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1114773109

Vignola, R., Klinsky, S., Tam, J., & McDaniels, T. (2012). Public perception, knowledge and policy support for mitigation and adaption to Climate Change in Costa Rica: Comparisons with North American and European studies. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 1-21.

In Progress

Singh, G.G., Tam, J., Sisk, T.D., Klain, S.C., Mach, M.E., Martone, R.G., Chan, K.M.A. (in review Frontiers in Ecology and in the Environment). Conducting a more social science: Barriers and incentives for scientists engaging in policy.

Tam, J. & Chan, K.M.A. (in prep). Paying it forward: How cultural ecosystem services generate pro-environmental behaviours and attitudes.

Tam, J. (in prep). The social being and marine ecosystem management.

Chan, K.M.A., Chamberlain, B.C., Sihota, N., Evans, C., Anderson, E., Öberg, G., and Empey, E., Klain, S., Levine, J., Mach, M.E., Martone, R., Murray, C.C., Reckermann, J., Tam, J., Singh, G. (in prep). Bringing ecology into organizational decision-making for sustainability.

Other Published Material

Tam, J. (2012). Fostering connections between youth and the environment in British Columbia (pp. 28). Vancouver, BC: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society British Columbia and the University of British Columbia.

Sisk, T.D., Singh, G., Tam, J., Chan, K.M.A., Klain, S., Mach, M., and Martone, R. (2011). Barriers and Incentives to Engagement in Public Policy and Science-based Advocacy. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 92, 276–280.

Chan, K.M.A., Öberg, G., Anderson, E., Chamberlain, B., Empey, E., Evans, C., Klain, S., Levine, J., Mach, M., Clarke-Murray, C., Reckermann, J., Tam, J., Sihota, N., Singh, G. (2009). An ecosystem services approach to sustainability at the University of British Columbia. Report submitted to the UBC Sustainability Office.

Chan, K.M.A., Levine, J., & Tam, J. (2009, August 31). Dining on sustainable sushi. Metro Vancouver, pp. 9.

Chan, K.M.A., & Tam, J. (2008, December 15). Canada continues to be a ‘fossil’. Metro Vancouver, pp. 9.

Molnar, M., Clarke-Murray, C., Whitworth, J., & Tam, J. (2009). Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services: A Report on Ecosystem Services in the Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (Pncima) on the British Columbia Coast. The David Suzuki Foundation, Living Oceans Society, and Sierra Club of BC, (p. 1-102).

Tam, J. & Klain, S. (2008). Marine planning for ecosystem services: Fisheries and cultural values in Gwaii Haanas. Report submitted to Parks Canada.

Tam, J. (2008, December 2). We stand on guard for thee. Op-ed posted to we-stand-on-guard-for-thee/


Tam, J. (2010, July 26). The psychology of climate change adaptation for protected areas: the challenge of online experiments. Talk presented at the Norms Evolving in Response to Dilemmas Workshop 2010, Vancouver, BC.

Chan, K.M.A., Klain, S., Tam, J., & Satterfield, T. (2010, July 7). Marine planning for ecosystem services and cultural values: a proposed framework. Talk presented at the 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Edmonton, AB.

Tam, J. (2010, July 4). The psychology of climate change adaptation for protected areas: beliefs, feelings, risk and uncertainty. Talk presented at the 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Edmonton, AB.

Tam, J., Levine, J., Satterfield, T., & Chan, K. (2010, February 10). Decision-making for ecosystem services: values and process. Poster presented at the First Barkley Sound Knowledge Symposium, Barkley Sound, BC.