Rocío López de la Lama

PhD Research

Rocío López de la Lama is a Ph.D. student exploring the different types of people and nature relationships that might motivate the set up of Privately Protected Areas (PPAs) in Peru (her home country). Although the government does not provide economic incentives (i.e. tax reductions, property rights) for their implementation, their coverage continues to expand and currently protect ~400,000 ha of the Peruvian territory. PPAs are being implemented and managed by a wide variety of stakeholders across the country, including Indigenous Peoples, local communities and private landowners.




Rocío has an MPhil in Conservation Leadership from the University of Cambridge (UK), and a BSc in Biology from Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (Peru). Her previous work has focused on sustainable seafood, small-scale fisheries, gender studies, sharks conservation and exploring people’s relationships with nature. She has worked for Oceana Perú, Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA) and the Centre for Environmental Sustainability (CSA) from Cayetano Heredia University.


Bennett, N.J., Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M., Blythe, J., Silver, J., Singh, G., Andrews, N., Calo, A., Christie, P., Di Franco, A., Finkbeiner, E., Gelcich, S., Guidetti, P., Harper, S., Hotte, N., Kittinger, J., Le Billon, P., Lister, J., López de la Lama., R., McKinley, E., Scholtens, J., Solas., AM., Sowman, M., Talloni-Alvarez, N., Teh, L., Voyer, M., Sumaila, R. (2019). Towards a sustainable and equitable blue economy. Nat Sustain

S De la Puente & RL de la Lama. (2019). Chapter 2: Industrial fisheries in Latin America. In Marine and Fisheries Policies in Latin America: A Comparison of Selected Countries. Routledge

RL de la Lama, S De la Puente, JC Riveros. (2018). Attitudes and misconceptions towards sharks and shark meat consumption along the Peruvian coast. PloS one 13 (8), e0202971

RL De La Lama, S De La Puente, A Valdés-Velásquez. (2018). Bringing sustainable seafood back to the table: exploring chefs’ knowledge, attitudes and practices in Peru. Oryx, 1-9

RL de la Lama, A Valdés-Velasquez, L Huicho, E Morales, M Rivera-Ch. (2018). Exploring the building blocks of social capital in the Sechura Bay (Peru): Insights from Peruvian scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) aquaculture. Ocean & Coastal Management 165, 235-243
