Archives by date

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Science Engagement Pub

Sisk, T.D., G. Singh, J. Tam, K.M.A. Chan, S. Klain, M. Mach, and R. Martone. 2011. Barriers and Incentives to Engagement in Public Policy and Science-based Advocacy. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 92:276–280.


Ed and Kai have letters published in the Vancouver Sun about the federal government pulling out of the PNCIMA marine planning process.

Kai Awarded Fulbright

Kai was awarded the Fulbright Canada Visiting Research Chair at the University of California – Santa Barbara for 2011-2, hosted by Steve Gaines and Ben Halpern (url)

Kai on Sabbatical at SFU

Kai began his sabbatical visit as Hakai Scholar at SFU with Anne Salomon, the Hakai Network, and the School for Resource & Environmental Management.

Caitlin Awarded NSERC URA

Caitlin Millar was awarded an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award for “Modeling wild living resources under multiple stressors”

Invasive Seagrass NPR Interview

Invasive Seagrass NPR Interview

Listen to Megan Mach’s interview on National Public Radio: Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Seek Help To Fight Sea Grass Infestation

Rapture 2.0 Blog

New blog post from Jordan Tam: Why Rapture 2.0 was meant to fail, or why climate activists ride airplanes

Conservation Questions Blog

New blog post from Gerald and Ally re: Zombies, Jesus, and Other Deep Questions for Conservation

Psychology and Conservation

New blog post from Jordan Tam re: Psychological bias and marine conservation, What’s in a Number?

MPA Reality Check

New blog post from Kai re: Scientist guidelines for MPAs, Marine Protected Areas—Reality Check from Scientists