Bennett & Dearden 2013 Local Environment: A Picture of Change: Using Photovoice to Explore Social and Environmental Change in Coastal Communities on the Andaman Coast of Thailand
Bennett, N. & Dearden, P. (2013). A Picture of Change: Using Photovoice to Explore Social and Environmental Change in Coastal Communities on the Andaman Coast of Thailand. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. 18(9), 983-1001. [Email for copy]
Bennett & Lemelin 2014 Community Development Journal: Situating the Eco-Social Economy: Environmental Movements and Conservation Organizations as Catalysts for Social and Economic Development
Bennett, N. & Lemelin, R. H. (2014). Situating the Eco-Social Economy: Environmental Movements and Conservation Organizations as Catalysts for Social and Economic Development. Community Development Journal, 49 (1), 69-84.
Bennett & Dearden 2014 Marine Policy: Why local people do not support conservation: Community perceptions of marine protected area livelihood impacts, governance and management in Thailand
Bennett, N. J. & Dearden, P. (2014). Why local people do not support conservation: Community perceptions of marine protected area livelihood impacts, governance and management in Thailand. Marine Policy, 44, 107-116. [OPEN ACCESS]
Bennett et al. 2014 Climate & Development: Vulnerability to multiple stressors in coastal communities: A study of the Andaman Coast of Thailand
Bennett, N., Dearden, P., & Peredo, A.M. (2014). “Vulnerability to multiple stressors in coastal communities: A study of the Andaman Coast of Thailand” Climate and Development. Online. [Email for copy]
Bennett et al. 2014 Ecology & Society: The capacity to adapt?: communities in a changing climate, environment, and economy on the northern Andaman coast of Thailand
Bennett, N. J., P. Dearden, G. Murray and A. Kadfak. 2014. The capacity to adapt?: communities in a changing climate, environment, and economy on the northern Andaman coast of Thailand. Ecology and Society 19 (2): 5. [online] [OPEN ACCESS]
Bennett & Dearden 2014 Marine Policy: From measuring outcomes to providing inputs: Governance, management, and local development for more effective marine protected areas
Bennett, N. J., & Dearden, P. (2014). From measuring outcomes to providing inputs: Governance, management, and local development for more effective marine protected areas. Marine Policy, 50, 96–110. [OPEN ACCESS]
Weigel, Mannle, Bennett… & Hellman 2014 Aquatic Conservation: Marine protected areas and fisheries: Bridging the divide
Weigel, J.Y., Mannle, K.O., Bennett, N.J., Carter, E., Westlund, L., Burgener, V., Hoffman, Z., Da Silva, A.S., Kane, E.A., Sanders, J., Piante, C., Wagiman, S. & Hellman, A. (2014). Marine protected areas and fisheries: Bridging the divide. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24(S2), 199-215. [OPEN ACCESS]
Klain, Beveridge, & Bennett 2014 Ecology & Society: Ecologically sustainable but unjust? Negotiating equity and authority in common-pool marine resource management
Klain, S., Beveridge, R, Bennett, N.J. (2014). Ecologically sustainable but unjust? Negotiating equity and authority in common-pool marine resource management. Ecology & Society 19(4), 52. [OPEN ACCESS]