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John Driscoll wins Les Lavkulich Graduate Student Fellowship

The Les Lavkulich Awards have been endowed by colleagues, friends and UBC alumni in honour of Professor Les Lavkulich, who created the Resources and Environment Program in 1979, the first truly interdisciplinary graduate program at UBC. As the program’s inspirational leader between 1979 and 2004, he was able, with his unrelenting effort and visionary thinking, […]

Healthy oceans, economies and communities

Healthy oceans, economies and communities

Kai Chan and Sarah Klain spoke on why thriving marine ecosystems matter for British Columbia as part of a webinar with economists Michelle Molnar and Ngaio Hotte. Here’s a link to the audio and visual recording of their talks on market and non-market benefits from the ocean, the contribution of particular industries to BC’s economy, social and […]

Kai’s webinar for Yale University Centre for Business and the Environment is online

Kai’s webinar for Yale University Centre for Business and the Environment is online

Kai Chan presented his research on building frameworks to conceptualize ecosystem services in a webinar for the Yale University Centre for Business and the Environment, emphasizing cultural ecosystem services to highlight importance of supporting ecosystem services to catalyze sustainability. The YouTube video is here.

Economic importance of marine conservation and planning

Economic importance of marine conservation and planning

David Suzuki Foundation invites Kai Chan and Sarah Klain to discuss why abundant, diverse and clean marine ecosystems are important to BC’s coastal communities and economy.

Megan (lab alum) and Kai publish on the potential impact of an invasive seagrass

Megan (lab alum) and Kai publish on the potential impact of an invasive seagrass

Megan Mach (lab alum), Sandy Wyllie-Echeverria (UW seagrass  researcher), and Kai Chan summarized 40 years of scientific research on Zostera japonica, a nonnative seagrass species in the Northeast Pacific, to investigate its effect  on ecosystem processes and identify research gaps that might interfere with management objectives. Our analysis was especially relevant for ongoing policy discussion […]

Klain, Satterfield & Chan 2014 Ecol Economics: Ecosystem services and their bundled qualities

Klain, S.C., Satterfield, T.A., Chan, K.M.A., 2014. What matters and why? Ecosystem services and their bundled qualities. Ecological Economics 107, 310–320. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.09.003 URL

Naeem … Olmsted et al. 2015 Science: Science right when paying for services

Naeem, S., J. C. Ingram, A. Varga, T. Agardy, P. Barten, G. Bennett, E. Bloomgarden… P. Olmsted et al. 2015. Get the science right when paying for nature’s services. Science 347(6227):1206-1207.

Mach et al. 2014 OCM: Ecological Effects of an Invasive Seagrass

Mach ME, S Wyllie-Echeverria and KMA Chan. 2014. Ecological effect of a nonnative seagrass spreading in the Northeast Pacific: a review of Zostera japonica. Ocean and Coastal Management 102:375–382.

Mach & Chan 2014 F1000Research: Greenbacks for Greencrabs

Mach ME and KMA Chan. 2014. Trading greenbacks for green crabs: Evaluating the commercial shellfish harvest at risk to European green crab invasion. F1000Research. [v3; ref status: indexed, ]

Nathan Bennett publishes new report, “Conservation Social Sciences: What, Why, and How?”

Nathan Bennett publishes new report, “Conservation Social Sciences: What, Why, and How?”

CHANS lab post-doc Nathan Bennett co-led the production of new report, Conservation Social Sciences: What, Why, and How? The report aims to stimulate dialogue among conservation organizations, foundations, agencies, practitioners and researchers about the role of the conservation social sciences, to build capacity, promote knowledge and foster engagement with conservation social sciences to improve conservation practice and outcomes.